Atelier is a streaming platform where you can share & express yourself! Created using Next.js at its core. Connect to your OBS or any of your favourite streaming software and start streaming!
Atelier main key features are:
- Authentication using Clerk
- Syncing live status information on the application with our DB by using Webhooks
- Cloud Storage for file uploads using Uploadthing.
- Elevates the benefits of MySQL database relation and using Prisma as the database schema.
- Streaming is supported by LiveKit, through RTMP / WHIP protocols
- Real-time chat using sockets.
- Blocking system.
- Mobile supported layout.
The database server is currently down so please kindly refer to the repository instead. You can even try to run it yourself if you want!
- PlatformWeb Application
- StackNext.js, Typescript, Clerk Authentication, Livekit, Webhooks, MySQL, Prisma, Ngrok